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Monday, October 3, 2011

Cooking Alone

·         So I cooked for myself today and I made a mess at the beginning. I'm working on it! Cooking skills: Messy Mood: Embarassed September 10 at 8:03pm
Hear is an e-mail Kami sent Mom about cooking.

Kami says-
I'm going to starve!!! I miss your cooking so much and I don't have the ingredients for all this food I would love to have! Ugh! Starving up here mom! I need your cooking badly!!!!

Mom says-
Thank you for the compliment on my cooking! I didn't know you cared? That made my day and I do miss and love you alot.  So glad you are having these wonderful experiences though.  It will all be worth it in the long run, I guarantee it. Dad would say--suck your thumb!

Kami says-
Tell dad to suck his own dang thumb!  I'd like to see him try and live off noodles, bread, bagels, and cereal for a few months! Hahaha!