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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Poor Kami-girl

·         Anybody else hate how such a good day goes sour because of one stupid thing? I do! My morning was going great till I had to get on the bus to go to my Livestock class and guess what....I WENT TO THE WRONG PICKUP AREA AGAIN!!!! Still can't drop the class and now I'm about to lose my scholership because I only have 13 credits and I need 14. Joy to the world...I'm screwed. UGH!!!!!!  September 21 at 1:51pm
·         OK so I'm totally having a better day, figured everything out, laughed, saw friends, all that jazz and what happens at the end of the day? I get my pinky finger jammed in the door! -.- LOL I should write a book "The Life and Times of Kami Monney"  September 21 at 8:46pm